Benefits of A Mini Split System for Energy Savings

Benefits of A Mini Split System for Energy Savings

As Texas residents, we are not strangers to extreme weather. It is not uncommon to wake up with freezing temperatures only to be sweating by the afternoon. And these fluctuating temperatures followed by months of extreme heat aren’t kind to the HVAC system in our home. Your HVAC system works hard to keep your home and office cool and comfortable, but sometimes it can struggle to keep all the rooms cooled evenly. We all have a room in our house that doesn’t seem to keep cool in the summer, or that one room that is always chilly during the winter. This common issue can easily be solved by installing a mini split system. 

In the simplest of terms, a mini split system is a ductless, compact air conditioner and heater that has the ability to cool or heat an individual room or rooms. The important thing to remember is that they do not create heat like a furnace, they transport heat between two spaces. They do this by pumping heat from indoors to outdoors (cooling) and from outdoors to indoors (heating). 

 A mini split system has three main components: 

  • Outdoor unit: The outdoor unit is where the compressor is, and is responsible for compressing the refrigerant (cooling) and expanding the refrigerant (heating).
  • Indoor unit: The indoor unit is small, and mounted on the wall of each room you are heating or cooling. 
  • Refrigeration lines: Refrigerators connect the indoor units to the outdoor unit

In a regular HVAC system, the large unit is located outside the home. Ducts carry your home’s air to a central location, where it is cooled and then returned to your home via air ducts. But in a mini-split system, the indoor unit is located inside the room or zone that it is cooling. This indoor unit is very small and installed on the ceiling or side wall of the area it is assigned to cool or heat.

The indoor mini-split system has cold evaporator coils inside. The unit takes the warm air that is inside your home or office and runs it over the cold evaporator coils that absorb the heat. It brings the heat to the small, outside unit where refrigerant dumps all the heat it pulled from the inside air. It basically pulls the warm air from inside the home and blows cool air back inside.

Now that you know how they work, we will get into the other benefits of having a mini split system in your home: 

  • They are a lot smaller than the typical HVAC system
  • Unlike central heating and cooling systems, mini splits do not require ductwork
  • Mini splits provide both heating and cooling by using a pump, which is more energy efficient
  • They are rated very high in energy efficiency. In fact, they have a 20+ SEER rating (cooling efficiency) and a 10+ HSPF rating (heating efficiency)
  • Mini splits are a more affordable option if adding on to a room. Instead of having to add ductwork and expand your current HVAC system, you can install a mini split system and save time and money.
  • You do not have to waste money cooling or heating rooms that you are not using

If you are interested in learning more about mini splits or are ready to have one installed in your home or office, give the experts at JW East Mechanical a call! 


Preparing Your HVAC System And Home For The Spring

Preparing Your HVAC System And Home For The Spring

With the cold weather Houston has been experiencing lately, it’s hard to believe that spring is right around the corner. But March 12, we will all be moving our clocks forward. And with that change comes other routine checkups that need to occur within the home. Your home is a system of systems, and we can’t stress how important it is to make sure each and every one of those systems and its equipment is checked regularly, along with other items in the home.  Check out our spring checklist to learn exactly what should be done for your home this season to keep things working smoothly throughout the year:

HVAC Check:

The HVAC system should be thought of as one single unit. By treating it as one unit, and keeping up with continual maintenance on all parts of the system both in the spring and winter, you are prolonging the life of your unit. When you complete a checkup on your HVAC system, you knock out the annual maintenance recommendation and have peace of mind when summer rolls around. Nothing is worse than not having cool air in your home in the middle of July in Houston! 

A comprehensive AC check should include: 

  • Inspect air filters – Dirty air filters affect the quality of your indoor air. If dirty upon inspection, they need to be cleaned or replaced
  • Evaluate proper airflow – Make sure that the proper amount of airflow is flowing through the system. Too much or too little will put added strain on your system, causing it to function poorly
  • Lubricate AC system – This helps all the components function properly and work together
  • Assess equipment condition – A quick overview of all the equipment to make sure everything looks good and is running correctly
  • Inspect line set and connections for leaks – A leak, no matter how big, will cause damage to your home, and making sure the lines of your AC unit are leak free will keep it running properly 
  • Evaluate duct seal at unit and secure panels – It is so important to make sure all duct and panels are properly secured. If they are not, your unit will not be able to function as designed and will use up more energy. This will increase your month bills significantly 
  • Inspect ductwork for air leaks and energy loss – A tear in your air duct will mess with the airflow throughout your home. This will cause extra strain on your unit and will create bigger, more expensive problems

Smoke Detector & Carbon Monoxide Detector Battery Check 

Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors play a crucial role in the safety of everyone living inside your home. Oftentimes, your detector will let out a “chirp” sound to warn you that its battery is low, but sometimes this noise doesn’t happen. That is why it’s so important to regularly change their batteries each spring. By adding this to your spring maintenance list, you will never have to worry that your detectors are not working.

Roof & Gutter Check 

Your roof is your home’s first line of protection against the weather. And that is why each spring it is important to inspect it for any winter-related damage that may have occurred. The following areas need to be inspected: 

  • Gutters – Check all gutters and clean out any debris. This will ensure proper drainage and make sure they are prepared for hurricane season
  • Roof – If your area has been hit especially hard by the winter, having a professional inspect the roof is very important. Check for the following: 
  • Loose or misplaced bricks around your chimney 
  • Cracks in your gutters where water seeps through 
  • Dislocated or curved shingles that need to be replaced 

Air Filter Replacement 

I know we already mentioned air filters, but it is so important we need to talk about them again. Your air filters accumulate all kinds of debris if they aren’t maintained. There are many pollutants in the air that, frankly, have no business inside of our bodies. They can be anything – pet dander, human skin and hair, harsh chemicals, and as if those weren’t bad enough, airborne viruses. Spring is a very active season for these pollutants, and that is why it is so important to make sure you replace all air filters inside your home. Quality air filters will trap these contaminants and ensure that the air quality inside your home is good. 

It is always important to be aware of your home’s most important systems and understand how to properly maintain them. The purpose of this list is to give you a head start on what to think about this season for a home that works at its full potential, especially at times of the year when you need it most. Summer is right around the corner! If you check up on all the above points this spring, your home will be in good shape and will run efficiently throughout the summer and fall. And if you do have a problem, you can trust the experts at JW East Mechanical.